Support & Donations

Donations and Supporting SGNS

Such a scheme is not without costs (e.g. for insurance, telephone, stationery, volunteer expenses, etc.)

Volunteers give their time freely and are not allowed to benefit directly from individual donations. However, they may claim back money personally expended (e.g. for petrol) so as not to be out of pocket.

All contributions are entirely voluntary and if you feel that you would like to contribute to SGNS, any amount would be gratefully received. SGNS can also reclaim an additional 25p in 'Gift Aid' via the 'Gift Aid and Gift Aid Small Donations Schemes', direct from HMRC for every £1 donated (subject to certain criteria). This is a valuable additional resource for SGNS.

There are a number of ways that donations can be made to SGNS:
1. Donations may be handed to any SGNS volunteer to pass on to the Treasurer.

2. Donations may be made directly to the Treasurer:

Doreen Albone (SGNS), The Bungalow Cammeringham Grange, Cammeringham, Lincolnshire, LN12YH

This address can be used for postal donations
(Cheques and postal orders ONLY please - made payable to: 'Springline Good Neighbour Scheme')
We STRONGLY recommend that you DO NOT send cash through the postal system.

3. Donations may be made via H.M. Revenue and Customs by giving through your Self Assessment Tax Return.
You will need follow the instructions contained within the S.A. Tax Return documentation and quote the H.M.R.C. unique charity code for SGNS: 'AAT08WG'

4. Donations may be made via your Payroll Giving Scheme, providing SGNS with a regular income stream (allowing us to budget more effectively), while benefiting you with generous tax relief.

Give to SGNS from your pay and you can get immediate tax relief of up to £4 for every £10 donated. The donations are taken from your gross salary, thereby reducing the amount of income tax that is deducted from your salary.

You will need to ask your payroll department to deduct regular charitable donations from your salary by filling out a simple application form, stating how much you would like to give. Your donations will then be shown as a deduction on your payslip.

If your employer does not already have a Payroll Giving Scheme in place, don't worry as it is quick and easy for them to set up. Employers simply sign a contract with the Payroll Giving Agency who will transmit donations on their behalf.
Further details can be found at

5. Many larger employers operate schemes of 'match funding', whereby they offer to donate sums to designated charities (including SGNS) in equal proportion to sums raised or donated by their employees.
Ask your employer whether they operate such a scheme!

With effect from 1st January 2018, the Trustees agreed that receipts will no longer be issued for individual donations and subscriptions of less that £20, unless specifically requested.
Requests for a receipt can be made to the volunteer (if a client is donating), a Trustee or direct to the Treasurer.

If you do not receive a receipt when requested, please contact the Treasurer (or send SGNS an e-mail) providing full details of your donation in order that we can investigate.

Other ways of supporting SGNS......
a) Supporting our fundraising events during the year

b) Joining the SGNS membership scheme (for a minimum of just £5 annually).
Membership allows you to vote at the SGNS Annual General Meeting.
If you would like to join the membership scheme, please telephone 01522 412199 and request a membership form.

c) Legacies and Gifts
There are several types of legacy that you might consider if you wish to remember SGNS in your Will:

  • Residuary Legacy - this comes out of the remainder of your estate after all other legacies, debts, tax and expenses have been paid. It may comprise the whole or a share of the residual amount. This type of legacy has special benefits as the value of it keeps pace with the increase in the value of your estate, offsetting the effect of inflation.
  • Specific Legacy - a gift of a specific item, such as a property or stocks and shares.
  • Pecuniary Legacy - a specified cash sum. To ensure that the value of your gift reflects your changing circumstances and the effect of inflation, it is advisable to review pecuniary legacy amounts at regular intervals.


It need not be expensive and professional advice will ensure that your wishes are properly recorded and followed. Before visiting your solicitor or professional adviser, it may save time to contact them and check what information you should take with you when you see them.

It is easy to amend an existing Will if you wish to include a legacy. Your solicitor or professional adviser will help you draw up an amendment form (called a 'codicil') to do this. However, if your personal circumstances have changed it may be best to draw up a new Will; your solicitor or professional adviser will be able to guide you on this.

Under current law, when you make a bequest to a charity (like SGNS), the amount of your gift is deducted from the value of your estate before any tax liability is calculated. The gift is completely free from Inheritance Tax and can therefore reduce the tax liability on your estate. The effect of this is that part of your gift is money that might otherwise go straight to H.M. Revenue and Customs.