Our Work


We have a pool of volunteers of all ages who:

  • help with the one-to-one support described within this website
  • act as a representative of their village on the SGNS committee
  • help with preparing and distributing publicity, organising and/or helping at SGNS events
  • help at community events

Volunteering can be a rewarding experience and is entirely flexible to fit around your own commitments.

If you are interested in joining us and have an occasional hour to spare, please contact us

How does the system work?

  • Contact SGNS, giving details of the help or support that you need.
  • The co-ordinator will then match your request with one of the available volunteers and may arrange for you to meet one another.
  • We keep in touch to check that you are happy with the arrangement and do our best to sort out any problems that might arise.
  • If you need to contact us urgently at any time, we recommend that you ring the Telephone Helpline number (see 'How to get help')
  • If we do not have a suitable volunteer available we may offer to keep you on a waiting list, as it may be likely that a volunteer will become available later.
  • If we are unable to provide assistance, we will do our best to point you in the right direction for other sources of help.

Here are just a few examples of how SGNS can help:

  • giving lifts to the doctor, hospital or dentist
  • fetching prescriptions and library books
  • shopping and running errands
  • providing company for those living alone
  • assisting with social outings for the housebound
  • sitting with someone who is ill to provide a break for a full-time carer
  • walking the dog for someone who is ill
  • helping with small things around the house (watering plants, etc.)

We also provide extra hands at community events and give support to community groups.

What we are not?

We are not . . .

  • a replacement for paid labour (as we only help out, like good neighbours do!)
  • an emergency service (although in a crisis, we will try to help if we can)
  • a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme (which looks out for criminal activity)
  • a provider of 'hands-on' care